We are Peter u. Sabine Bramall,
our introduction to this wonderful breed happened in January 1999 with the arrival of our first Otterhound "Shreenwater Ever Hopeful Lucy".
Our love for this breed grew so much that we decided to become breeders,
in the hope to help prevent this breed from becoming extinct.
In January 2003 we acquired our foundation bitch "Kingstree Nutshell"
with the help of Mr Peter Smith (Actaeon Otterhounds)
from Mrs Judith Ashworth (Kingstree Otterhounds).
With Judith & Peter's help and their invaluable experience we formed our kennel “Houndville” in the summer of 2004.
Since than we have successfully raised seven litters and are always happy about the regular contact to our puppy owners.
By now our puppies can be found in many countries like the USA, England, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria and Switzerland.

Peter with Aragon (Houndville Deputy)
Sabine with Igraine (Houndville Faith**)