Here you can find different links about Otterhounds, General Dog Sites etc.....
We are not responsible for the contents of the respective home pages. The links are sorted by clicks (many clicks => top) Otterhound BreedersKingstree Otterhounds | The kennel Kingstree is owned by Mrs Judith Ashworth who is also the in charge of Otterhound Health. | 729 Clicks | Villeseeker Otterhounds | Otterhound Homepage of Beate & Uwe Fandler, Otterhound page in German, very informative. | 683 Clicks | Keepcott Otterhounds | Keepcott is run by Mrs Rae Ganna, she has been breeding Otterhounds since the year 2000. | 659 Clicks | Man-Trailing - Iris Burg & Jörg Weiß | Iris Burg has been training with her Otterhound Mighty Mouse for some time now and has established together with Police Chief Inspector Jörg Weiß "Mantrailing Quality". | 473 Clicks | Teckelgarth Otterhounds | The Kennel Teckelgarth belongs to Mrs Maria Lerego, a breeder with a lot of knowledge and expirience. | 458 Clicks | Steepledeen Otterhounds | This HP belongs to Heateher & Mike Lonsdale, both of them are very dedicated to the breed and had their first litter in 2008 and are now also running the "Otterhound Trust UK". | 453 Clicks | <= Back to overviewAdd own link: