Here you can find different links about Otterhounds, General Dog Sites etc.....
We are not responsible for the contents of the respective home pages. The links are sorted by clicks (many clicks => top) Otterhound Clubs & OrganisationsOtterhound Club - NL | The dutch Otterhound Club organises walks, has its own Newsletter and represents the breeder of the duch Otterhound Pack "De Kweb". It can be viewed in Dutch and in English. | 685 Clicks | Otterhound Club - UK | The UK Otterhound Club is the Mother Club of the Otterhound and was founded in 1978. | 544 Clicks | Otterhound Fan Club Deutschland | This Club was founded in Feb. 2011 by a group of Otterhound owners. The aim of the Club is to get Otterhound people closer together, to inform about the breed and to comunicate in the Clubs own Forum.nViewable in German and English | 537 Clicks | Otterhound Club of America | This Club has one of the best Database's of the Otterhound. | 315 Clicks | Otterhound Trust | The purpose of this website is to give those who are interested in knowing more about the breed as a member of the family an opportunity to hear about them from those of us that have an Otterhound as a pet and for us to tell you our Shaggy Dog Stories. | 303 Clicks | <= Back to overviewAdd own link: