
Pedigree for 
Shreenwater Ever Hopeful - Lucy








Shreenwater Baccarat



Hazzard at Ottersbob’s

Dumfrieshire Bargeman 77 

Ch. Andel Little Big Man 

Dumfrieshire Jezebel 

Boravin Plover

Dumfrieshire Clansman 76 

Kendal Pastime 



Boravin Zeta

Boravin Wheeler

UK Ch. Boravin Peeler 

Boravin Nutshell 

Boravin Raisin

UK Ch. Boravin Oarsman 

Boravin Nutshell 



Shreenwater Patients



Shreenwater Faro


Hazzard at Ottersbob’s

Dumfrieshire Bargeman 77 

Boravin Plover 

Boravin Zeta

Boravin Wheeler 

Boravin Raisin 


Shreenwater Bagatelle

Hazzard at Ottersbob’s

Dumfrieshire Bargeman 77

Boravin Plover 

Boravin Zeta

Boravin Wheeler 

Boravin Raisin 


Pedigree for 
Lux. Ch. Kingstree Nutshell

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents






Vision Varmint


Teckelgarth Ivanhoe

 UK Ch. Boravin Oarsmanat Teckelgarth

Dumfrieshire Clansman 76

Falconcrag Nugget 

 Vision Tresure

Dumfrieshire Tracker 

Ytene Nectar 


Vision Harmony

 Hazzard at Ottersbob’s

Dumfrieshire Bargeman 

Boravin Plover 

 Boravin Useful


Boravin Ostler 

Vision Tresure 





UK Ch.Kingstree Indiana




US Ch. Scentasia’s Doonesbury

 TarBeach Doubting Thomas

US Ch. Aberdeen of TarBeach 

US Ch. Fogbounds Almost Martha 

 US Ch. Billikins Amanda Grizzlet

US Ch. Grayfield’s One Way Rider 

US Ch. Birchdell’s Ragmop Sunwood 


 US Ch. Aberdeen’s English Ivy

 Can. Ch. Avitars Front Page News

TarBeach Doubting Thomas

US/Can. Ch. Avitars a Lady 


US Ch. Aberdeen’s Alien

US Ch. Boravin Quarryman 

USCh. Chaucers Sunflower 


Pedigree for
Houndville Actress - Avalon

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents






UK Ch. Teckelgarth Quartermaster



Ramsgrove Whiskey Mac

Ottersdream Phlambouyant

Ottersdream Pharoah 

Ottersdream Phloozie 

 Boravin Khella

PCOH Chief 

Lutrakai Mara 



Vision Volatile

 Teckelgarth Ivanhoe

UK Ch. Boravin Oarsmanat Teckelgarth

Vision Tresure 

 Vision Harmony 

Hazzard at Ottersbob’s 

Boravin Useful 




Lux. Ch. Kingstree Nutshell



 Vision Varmint


Teckelgarth Ivanhoe

UK Ch. Boravin Oarsmanat Teckelgarth

Vision Tresure

 Vision Harmony 


Hazzard at Ottersbob’s

Boravin Useful 


Uk Ch. Kingstree Indiana



 US Ch. Scentasia’s Doonesbury

TarBeach Doubting Thomas 

US Ch. Billikins Amanda Grizzlet 

US Ch. Aberdeen’s English Ivy



 Ch. Avitars Front Page News 

US Ch. Aberdeen’s Alien 

Pedigree for 
Beargarden's Pole-Star at Houndville - Megan

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-great-grandparents



Beargarden's Peace-Maker

Swe., Fin., Eur. Ch. Dyfrgi's Sample of Sweetness

 Nordic & Int. Ch. Surfside  Brigg

Dumfrieshire Clansman 

Kendal Storm 

 Swe., Nor., Int. Ch. 
Dyfrgi's Sweet Lizard

Nordic & Int. Ch. Surfside  Brigg 

Swe., Nor. Ch.  Ottersbob Harmony 


Beargarden's Part of Game

Fin., Swe., Eur., Int. Ch. Beargarden's 
Beer Drinker

Fin. Ch. Dyfrgi's Shaggy Soul 

Swe. Nor. Eur. Int. Ch. Dyfrgi's Silly Sally at Beargarden 

Swe., Fin., Eur., Int. Ch. Dyfrgi's Something Sweet of Sweden 

Swe. Ch. Dyfrgi's Silent Searcher

 Swe., Nor., Int. Ch. Dyfrgi's Sweet Lizard


Beargardens Piggy-Bank



Alflasker "Agua" Basil

Swe Ch. O'Shaughnessy Bashful

Swe., Dan., Nordic Ch. Dyfrgi's Sex me up 

Swe. Ch. Fela-roof's Alfa Alien at Dyfrgi 

April in Paris  

Kingstree Gallant  

 Dan., Int. Ch. Alflasker Bellanca

Beargarden's Part of Game


Fin., Swe., Eur., Int. Ch. Beargarden's Beer Drinker

Fin. Ch. Dyfrgi's Shaggy Soul 

Swe. Nor. Eur. Int. Ch. Dyfrgi's Silly Sally at Beargarden 

 Swe., Fin., Eur., Int. Ch. Dyfrgi's Something Sweet of Sweden





Swe. Ch. Dyfrgi's Silent Searcher 

Swe., Nor., Int. Ch. Dyfrgi's Sweet Lizard

Pedigree for 
Houndville Deputy - Aragon

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents





Hunter van de Kweb



Victor van de Kweb



Kingstree Foreman at Cavanero

Ottersbob Orbit with Kingstree 

UK Ch. Actaeon's Precocious with Kingstree 

Quaile Van de Kweb

Ottersbob Orbit with Kingstree 

Lane van de Kweb 


 Bonny van de Kweb

Tarka van de Kweb

Hispidus van de Kweb 

Kristel van de Kweb

Quaver van de Kweb


Ottersbob Orbit with Kingstree

Lane van de Kweb



Houndville Actress


UK Ch Teckelgarth Quartermaster

Ramsgrove Whisky Mac

Ottersdream Phlambouyant

Borivian Khella

 Vison Volatile  

Teckelgarth Ivanhoe

 Vison Harmony


Lux. Ch. Kingstree Nutshell 


 Vison Varmint

Teckelgarth Ivanhoe 

Vison Harmony 

UK Ch. Kingstree Indiana 

US Ch. Scentasia's Doonsbury 

US Ch. Aberdeen's English Ivy

Pedigree for 
Ottaryx Cora at Houndville*** - Cora

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-great-grandparents


Devon & Cornwall Coryton '06


Culmstock Collier '02

PCOH Chief

Boravin Alderman

Deanery Clover

Culmstock Sunset

Boravin Woodman

Songstress Songbird


Devon & Cornwall Parsley '99 **

Ytene Pontiff **quarter Otterhound

 Ytene Porter '87 **half Otterhound

David Davies Bracken '88 ** Welsh Foxhound 


Devon & Cornwall Nightshade '94 **


Devon & Cornwall Nation '88 ** 
half Otterhound

Devon & Cornwall Likely '86 ** half Otterhound 




Ottaryx Lark


 UK Ch. Wildan's Jubilant

UK Ch. Boravin Jasper

Boravin Hessian

Barilla Donna 

Lutrakai Mara 

Boravin Angler

UK Ch. Boravin Gossamer

Uisneach Brave Ballerina at Ottaryx

Barilla Tarter

PCOH Chief

UK Ch. Barilla Dewdrop

Ramsgrove Norchy

Ottersdream Phlambouyant

Boravin Khella

Pedigree for 
Beargardens Bizarre Bird at Houndville - Gwen

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-great-grandparents



Scan. Ch. Houndville Emperor



Houndville Dancer

 Hunter v.d. Kweb

Victor van de Kweb

Bonnie van de Kweb 2

 Houndville Actress

UK Ch. Teckelgarth Quartermaster

Lux Ch. Kingstree Nutshell


Beargardens Pole-Star at Houndville

Beargarden's Peace Maker

Swe.,Fin.,Eur. Ch. Dyfrgi's Sample of Sweetness

Beargarden's Part of Game

Beargarden's Piggy Bank

Alflasker Basil

Beargarden's Part of Game 



 Houndville Charlotte



PCOH Hannibal


PCOH Douglas

PCOH Copper

PCOH Violet

 PCOH Hyacinth 

 PCOH Gandalf

PCOH Violet


Houndville Artemis


 UK Ch. Teckelgarth Quartermaster

Ramsgrove Whisky Mac

Vison Volatile

Lux. Ch. Kingstree Nutshell

UK Ch. Kingstree Indiana

 Vision Varmint

Pedigree for
Ger., NL., Lux. & Int. Champion
Houndville Faith** - Igraine

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-great-grandparents




Houndville Deputy


Hunter van de Kweb

Victor van de Kweb

Kingstree Foreman at Cavanero 

Quaile Van de Kweb

Bonny van de Kweb

Tarka van de Kweb 

Quaver van de Kweb


Houndville Actress

UK Ch Teckelgarth Quartermaster

Ramsgrove Whisky Mac

Vison Volatile 

Lux. Ch. Kingstree Nutshell 

Vison Varmint

UK Ch. Kingstree Indiana  



 Ottaryx Cora



Devon & Cornwall Coryton '06

Culmstock Collier '02

PCOH Chief

Culmstock Sunset

Devon & Cornwall Parsley '99 **


Ytene Pontiff **quarter Otterhound

Devon & Cornwall Nightshade '94 **

Ottaryx Lark 


UK Ch. Wildan's Jubilant

UK Ch. Boravin Jasper

Lutrakai Mara 

Uisneach Brave Ballerina at Ottaryx 

Barilla Tarter

Ramsgrove Norchy 

Ahnentafel für 
Houndville Honey* 







 DE. Ch. Villesekers Damian


Houndville Chopin

PCOH Hannibal

PCOH Douglas

PCOH Hyacinth

Houndville Artemis

UK Ch. Teckelgarth Quartermaster

Lux. Ch. Kingstree Nutshell


PCOH Fuchsia

PCOH Varndell

Bunnahabhain Author

Pembrock Velotti

PCOH Moonshine

PCOH Madrigal

Pembrock Velotti



DE., NL, Lux. & Int. Ch. Houndville Faith**



Houndville Deputy

Hunter van de Kweb

Victor van de Kweb

Bonnie van de Kweb 2

Houndville Actress


UK Ch. Teckelgarth Quartermaster

Lux. Ch. Kingstree Nutshell

Ottaryx Cora at Houndville***


Devon & Cornwall Coryton '06

Culmstock Collier '02

Devon & Cornwall Parsley '99 **

Ottaryx Lark 

UK Ch. Wildan's Jubilant

Uisneach Brave Ballerina at Ottaryx 

Ahnentafel für 
Houndville Ingeborg







 Olphae Edison


Teckelgarth Dionysus

Teckelgart Infidel

UK Ch. Teckelgarth Degas

Tekelgarth Zibeline

Teckelgarth Quaver

Ramsgrove Whisky Mac

Vison Volatile

Blue Fairie's Ticket to Ride to Conara's Olphae

Ottaryx Mumford

Houndville Deputy

Ottaryx Locket

AM Ch. Montizard's Little Miss Firecracker

AM Ch. Blue Fairy's Wizard of Oz

AM Ch. Scentasia's Grand Finale



Houndville Honey*



DE Ch. Villesekers Damian

Houndville Chopin

PCOH Hannible

Houndville Artemis

PCOH Fuchsia 

PCOH Varndell

PCOH Moonshine

DE, NL, LUX Ch. Houndville Faith** 

Houndville Deputy

Hunter van de Kweb

Houndville Actress

Ottaryx Cora at Houndville***

Devon & Cornwall Coryton '06

Ottaryx Lark 


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